The highly acclaimed hour-long documentary, TRAUMA HEALERS, which was released to PBS stations through American Public Television ( on May 4, 2021, is now available for FREE ON-DEMAND streaming via YouTube.
Just click on the video above and you can watch it here. Or. if you’d like a full-screen experience, please click on the “Watch on YouTube” icon.
Just click on the video above and you can watch it here. Or. if you’d like a full-screen experience, please click on the “Watch on YouTube” icon.
The Film
A 60-minute public television documentary produced by two award-winning filmmakers, Patricia Fraley and Robert Parish.
Through interviews with world renowned experts, international orthopedic surgeons and trauma survivors in developing countries,
TRAUMA HEALERS focuses on the devastating impact of road traffic accidents and other traumatic injuries.
The Numbers
The World Health Organization's 2018 Global Status on road safety reveals that an estimated 1.35 million people are killed
in traffic accidents every year, and 20 to 50 million more are injured, requiring surgical care to avoid life-long disability.
Road traffic accidents are rising more in developing countries, where adequate surgical care is often inaccessible,
especially to people living in poverty. According to the World Bank, nearly half of the world lives on $5.50 or less per day.
These people cannot afford to purchase implants needed to repair broken bones, and they often forego treatment
or lie in traction for months or years hoping for the bones to heal.
Trauma Healers Supporters
A 60-minute public television documentary produced by two award-winning filmmakers, Patricia Fraley and Robert Parish.
Through interviews with world renowned experts, international orthopedic surgeons and trauma survivors in developing countries,
TRAUMA HEALERS focuses on the devastating impact of road traffic accidents and other traumatic injuries.
The Numbers
The World Health Organization's 2018 Global Status on road safety reveals that an estimated 1.35 million people are killed
in traffic accidents every year, and 20 to 50 million more are injured, requiring surgical care to avoid life-long disability.
Road traffic accidents are rising more in developing countries, where adequate surgical care is often inaccessible,
especially to people living in poverty. According to the World Bank, nearly half of the world lives on $5.50 or less per day.
These people cannot afford to purchase implants needed to repair broken bones, and they often forego treatment
or lie in traction for months or years hoping for the bones to heal.
Trauma Healers Supporters